Moving Computers CD
Three Ways To Safely Move Computers
If you can click a mouse, you can learn three wrapping and packing methods for two transportation containers. A must-have for office moving crews.
This computer-based interactive multimedia CD combines text, photos, and audio and video clips for an exciting, individually self-paced learning experience. Start by clicking on the Preparation/Deinstall tab to learn what to do before computers are disconnected so that reconnecting them in the new location will go as smoothly and trouble-free as possible. Then, depending on your chosen transportation container, click on either Commercial Bin or Wooden Cart for three complete wrapping and packing method. Techniques tested and approved by the International Office Moving Institute (IOMI).
A Mouth Full
Besides being a mouthful to say, computer-based interactive multimedia makes training interesting and fun for the trainee and cost-effective for you.
With the release of MOVING COMPUTERS:Three Ways to Safely Move Computers, the International Office Moving Institute (IOMI) delivers solid, beautifully simple, and economical solutions to age-old training problems. For starters, IOMI CDs make it possible to establish company training tailored to each individual. The nagging conflict between training and turnover goes away. New employees have access to the same message as your veterans. Scheduling problems disappear. You set up training based on individual need and timetables. And since CDs are always accessible, it’s easy to assign a review for marginal employees or simply encourage a refresher.
• Interact with objects on the screen
• View sections in any order. Review at any time and as often as necessary
• Minimum Systems Requirements: Pentium II or Celeron multimedia PC with a CD reader and speakers or equivalent, Windows 95 or later
• Run Time: Approx. 45 minutes
Take a Tour
Reduced sample screen from MOVING COMPUTERS: Three Ways to Safely Move Office Computers explains how to use this training CD.
Navigate through the program by clicking on the tabs at the top of each screen. Text and photos vividly illustrate a step in the process. Click on audio and video symbols sprinkled thoughout for more indepth explanations.
Color-coded section tabs at the top and forward and back arrors at the bottom of each screen make navigation easy. Simple enough for new move-crew personnel yet sophisticated enough for longer-term employees, supervisors, and company executives.
Commercial Bin and Wooden Cart section tabs each contain sub-tabs with three complete sets of wrapping and packing instructions.
Moving Computers CD: Three Ways To Safely Move Computers, $39.95 each (GA residents, add 6 percent sales tax) plus $5.50 shipping.