Before I started my own moving company, I worked for another mover who taught me how to sell office moves. He said never discuss business or the move with the prospect until after you “size him up” by talking about the sports memorabilia or hobbies you see in his office. “Only after you get the customer to like and trust you, should you bring up his move,” he said.

I followed my boss’s advice to the letter until one day I had a prospect who had no sports’ trophies, pictures, plaques, or hobby stuff in his office. The only cue I saw was a picture of a very young girl. Knowing the drill, I said, “That’s a very pretty girl. Is that your daughter?” The guy leaned down across his desk, stared at me and replied, “That’s not my daughter, that’s my third wife.” (Oops, I don’t remember what I said next but I do remember not getting his move.)

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